User Guide: Template List

The Template list page will display all of the templates you have created these can be used to form the basis of a new booking request.

Note: Templates can be created from existing bookings by using the ‘Copy Data into Template’ function.

Other ways to create templates

From each booking created you have the option to use this booking to form the basis of a booking template, this can be done via the 'Copy Data into Template' button at the end of each tab.


As a Hapag-Lloyd online business user you will only be permitted to view templates which involve your organisation as customer.

All related data will not be divulged to parties that are not directly involved within the booking and its process

If you do not have all authorizations for the services above you can request them via My Account. More information on how to request your authorizations you find within this user guide in the section My Account.

Screen area: Search Criteria

Entry field: Template Name

You can search for a specific template by the name under which it was created, please enter the first 3 letters to start your search. 

Button: Find

Displays the templates specified by the search criteria.

Button: Clear

Clears all search criteria.

Button: Create New Template

To create a template from scratch please press the ‘Create New Template’ button and input a name relevant to the template you are raising followed by pressing ‘Save’. You will now be taken to Tab One, after inserting the respective data under the first tab the user will be taken to the next tab and so on until all necessary information has been entered where you can then save your data via the ‘Next’ button or ‘Copy Data To Template button’.

Note: Information that is unlikely to remain the same (Quotation number, Contract, dates etc…) will not be saved within the template.

Screen area: List of templates

The Template list page will display all of the templates you have created these can be used to form the basis of a new booking request.

Column: Template Name

The name under which the template was created.

Column: Customer Reference

The customer reference that is saved within the template.

Column: Q/C-Number

Quotation or Contract number that has been saved within the template.

Column: Start Location / Port of Loading

The start location / Port of loading provided when the template was created.

Column: Port of Discharge / End Location

The Port of discharge / End location provided when the template was created.

Column: Saved

The date the template was last updated.

Column: Saved by

Name of the person who created the template.

Button: Open

If you want to view the data within a template you can do that by checking the respective checkbox followed by the ‘Open’  button. From here you can amend the template is and as required.

Button: Use for Booking

If you want to create a booking using a template to form the basis of a booking select the relevant template press ‘Use For Booking’ button. You will now be taken to tab one where the data can be amended / completed as necessary.

Button: Delete


If you want to delete the template you can do that by checking the respective checkbox followed by the ‘Delete’ button.

Note: Once deleted a template can not be reinstated.

Buttons: Previous / Next

To move to the previous/next line in the list.