Organisation Name | Hapag-Lloyd AG |
Organisation Number | 005980 |
Trade Name | North Europe - Mediterranean |
Tariff Number | NEMD-001 |
Tariff Title | North Europe - Mediterranean |
Tariff Type | Ocean and Surcharge |
Street | Ballindamm 25 |
City | Hamburg |
Postal Code | 20095 |
Person | Sabine Wischmeier |
Phone | +49 (0)40 3001 4044 |
Fax | |
Weight Ton Unit | kg - kilogram |
Volume Ton Unit | CBM - cubic meter |
Currency | EUR |
Rate of Exchange Source |
Rule 025 of the Global Hapag-Lloyd Tariff RURE-001 |
Origin Scope | North Europe |
Destination Scope | Mediterranean |