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Price Announcement – Latin America / Europe - Brazil / Argentina to North- and South Europe

In a continued effort to provide you with a high level of service and uninterrupted liner services and equipment supply, Hapag-Lloyd announces an increased Ocean Tariff rate for all cargoes for 20’ and 40’ General Purpose (incl. High Cube Container) on the Latin America/Europe trade from Brazil/Argentina to North- and South Europe.

Valid for sailings commencing on September 1, 2018 onwards and until further notice, Hapag-Lloyd’s Ocean Tariff rate effective September 1, 2018 will be:

  • Standard Container

For additional port pairs please visit our Hapag-Lloyd website or contact your nearest Hapag-Lloyd office or local Hapag-Lloyd representative.

These Ocean Tariff rates are subject to the following conditions and surcharges:

  • Validity: until further notice
  • Scope definition: East Coast Latin America to Europe
  • Commodity : FAK
  • Bunker related charges please click here
  • Security related charges please click here
  • Terminal Handling charges please click here

Local charges and contingency charges may apply in addition.

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