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Liner Services

Transpacific Trade - Schedule Update

In view of the current COVID-19 situation we will implement the following service changes on the Indian Subcontinent/Middle East – North America services for the upcoming weeks:

The following service options can be offered:
Export alternative out of ISC and Middle East

a) PS3 service to Colombo for connection to EC5 for USEC.
b) IMX service to Barcelona for connection to next available AL6 service to USEC.
c) IOS service to North Europe for connection to Atlantic services.
d) Charleston cargo to connect via AL6 or to be rolled to next available TPI sailing.

Export alternative out of North America:

a) USEC to ISC / Middle East - EC5
b) USEC to ISC/Middle East – Next available PS3 vessel

We will continue to keep you advised of developments. If you would like to find out more about the current situation, visit the COVID-19 section on our website.

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Liner Services