Tariff Record FEIO-001

Organisation Name Hapag-Lloyd AG
Organisation Number 005980
Trade Name Indian Subcontinent to Europe / Med / Africa
Tariff Number FEIO-001
Tariff Title Indian Subcontinent and Middle East to Europe / Africa
Tariff Type Ocean and Surcharge
Street 1. 200 Cantonment Road // 2. Ballindamm 25
City 1. Singapore // 2. Hamburg, Germany
Postal Code 1. 089763 // 2. 20095

1. Marco Tan

2. Lutz Baumgärtner (Ind. Subcontinent / Middle East to Africa)

Phone 1. +65 62285-733 // 2. +49 (0)40 3001 4274
Fax 2. +49 (0)40 3001 4038
Weight Ton Unit kg - kilogram
Volume Ton Unit CBM - cubic meter
Currency USD (US Dollar)
Rate of Exchange Source Rule 025 of the Global Hapag-Lloyd Tariff RURE-001 will be applicable.  
Origin Scope Pakistan
Sri Lanka
Destination Scope Europe / Mediterranean / Africa