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USA – NVOCC Security Manifest Filing Guideline for US Import Shipments

US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) requires carriers to correctly file a security manifest. Therefore, we would like to remind you that NVOCC’s are responsible to indicate either self-filer or non self-filer at time of booking placement or at time of shipping instruction submission.

  • For NVOCC self-filer, a Booking or Shipping Instruction must include the NVOCC’s SCAC code, Standard Carrier Alpha Code.
  • For NVOCC non self-filer, a Booking or Shipping Instruction must include how many House Bills of Lading you would like to file against our Master Bill of Lading.

When placing bookings on our website under the Customs and Remarks tab you will find the self-filer indicators. When using a booking portal or EDI, please enter the self-filer information in the Remarks section.

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