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Ports & Inland

USA Exports via USA Ports - Update Earliest Receiving Date (ERD)

Effective Monday, September 14, 2020, we will be revising the Earliest Receiving Date (ERD) for cargo moving via rail from USA origins via USA load ports.

Dry container ERD is three days (rail ramp working days) including cargo cut-off day.
Reefer ERD is two days (rail ramp working days) including cargo cut-off day.

Please ensure that you and your Motor Carrier are checking the Booking confirmation for ERD Details. Containers delivered to the ramp too early are subject to storage and demurrage charges, which are for the Merchant’s account

Please send in the rail billing form to [email protected] at least two hours prior to delivering the container to the ramp. If any issues please contact during business hours +1 855-227-4612, Option 4.


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Ports & Inland