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Shipping from India? Here's a local charges' update

If you're shipping from India, here's an update on two of our local charges. The Booking Cancellation Fee (BCF) and Roll Over Fee (CRO) will be updated. This change will apply from August 1, 2024, for all non-FMC trades and from September 1, 2024, for all FMC trades. Both, BCF and CRO will be valid until further notice.

The details for these surcharges are listed below:

  • Booking Cancellation Fee (BCF): USD 300 per container
  • Roll Over Fee (CRO): USD 300 per container

Please keep in mind that the timelines for BCF application have changed. BCF will be applicable if the booking is cancelled 14 (or less) calendar days to the vessel’s departure for confirmed bookings with no equipment pickup activity. If you require more information related to Ocean Tariff rates, please visit the tariff section of our website. As an alternative, please contact our teams at your preferred location who will guide you based on your individual situation.

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