
Pertenece a

Ports & Inland

North America - Intermodal Driver Database (IDD) Implementation

On Monday, June 1, 2020, Norfolk Southern will begin using the Intermodal Association of North America’s (IANA) Intermodal Driver Database (IDD) for drayage management. Once implemented, Motor Carriers will be solely responsible for adding and removing drivers from their Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) and for updating driver information through their Uniform Intermodal Interchange and Facilities Access Agreement (UIIA) account.

IDD updates will occur every 30 minutes, so Motor Carriers should anticipate that some delay will take place between when driver entries are made in the UIIA interface and when Norfolk Southern receives them.

Only drivers that are registered in IDD will be permitted access to Norfolk Southern intermodal facilities. Ahead of the transition, and to ensure continued access to Norfolk Southern facilities, it is important that all drivers verify their CDL information is stored correctly with Norfolk Southern.

Additional information on IDD can be found by visiting www.uiia.org or by clicking here.

Steps to Verify CDL Information
ExpressNSTM users can verify their CDL information by clicking on Profile in the Menu screen (instructions attached). Drivers that are not yet registered for ExpressNSTM will need to visit the Driver Assistance Booth at any intermodal facility to verify their information. All CDL information must be saved with the two letter state abbreviation followed by the CDL number (ex. VA1234567).

ExpressNSTM Registration
We encourage drivers to take advantage of our ExpressNSTM Mobile Application which streamlines gate and terminal processes for our drayage community. With ExpressNSTM, drivers can verify billing, submit pre-gate information, obtain parking and pickup locations, receive electronic interchange receipts, and submit bad order information.

More information about ExpressNSTM can be found by visiting www.nscorp.com/intermodal/ExpressNS.



Pertenece a

Ports & Inland