
Pertenece a

Liner Services

Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa operational updates Week 48

Please find below the latest operational updates for the Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Africa. You can also get an overview of more operational updates here

Asia – Gulf Express 2 (AG2)

  • MV YM Mobility V060E will omit Umm Qasr, Iraq, Hamad, Qatar and Jebel Ali, UAE. Umm Qasr and Hamad imports will discharge in Jebel Ali (Westbound) for further connection to their final ports of destination

India – Europe Express (IEX)

  • MV Amoliani V2143W will omit Vizag, India. Imports will discharge in Colombo (Eastbound) for further connection to their final ports of destination

Indian Subcontinent – Mediterranean Express (IMX)

  • MV Dalian Express V2147W will call CT3 terminal in Mundra instead of CT2 terminal as communicated by the terminal

Indian Ocean Service 3 (IO3)

  • MV Xin Change Shu V066W will reinstate Port Qasim, Pakistan in the IO3 rotation. The vessel will leave the service in Mundra, India currently scheduled on December 3, 2021 and will be replaced by MV Xin Qing Dao V209W, expected to arrive on December 8, 2021

  • MV CMA CGM Titus V0PE28E1MA will only perform a discharging call in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and on V0PE2NW1MA will omit Abu Dhabi, UAE for schedule recovery measures. Imports will discharge in Jebel Ali, UAE for further connection to their final ports of destination

Indian Ocean Service (IOS)

  • MV Nagoya Express V1351W will omit Karachi, Pakistan, Nhava Sheva and Hazira in India. MV ONE Henry Hudson V079W will omit Hazira, India. Imports to these ports will discharge in Jebel Ali, UAE for further connection to their final ports of destination

  • MV Tsingtao Express V1350W will call CT3 terminal in Mundra instead of CT2 terminal, as communicated by the terminal

Transpacific – India – America Express (TPI)

  • MV Navios Constellation V2143E will omit Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Currently, there are no Jeddah imports on board

China – Kenya Express (CKX)

  • MV Shijing V011E will omit Colombo, Sri Lanka. Imports will be will discharge in Port Kelang, Malaysia for further connection to their final ports of destination

  • MV CMA CGM Jamaica V04IAQE1MA will omit Colombo, Sri Lanka for schedule recovery measures and phase out plan rotation. No imports will be accepted on this vessel for Colombo Eastbound

  • There will be no sailing from Shanghai, China on December 8, 2021, and from Mombasa, Kenya on January 2, 2022

Middle East – India - Africa Express (MIAX)

  • MV Antibes Express V2147W will omit Jebel Ali, UAE. Currently, there are no Jebel Ali imports on board. The vessel will also call MPT in Durban, South Africa (Westbound)

Mediterranean – West Africa Express (MWX)

  • MV Giselle A V44N21 will call Apapa before Tin Can Island in Nigeria

South Africa Express (SAF)

  • MV Cape Kortia VNZ146R will omit Cape Town, South Africa. Imports will be discharged in Coega, South Africa for further connection to their final ports of destination

  • MV MSC Chloe VNZ147R will omit Coega, South Africa. Currently, there are no Coega (Northbound) imports on board

Pertenece a

Liner Services