
Quiz: How much do you know about the shipping industry?

Take part and win the "Seafarers" coffee table book from the photographer Patrick Ludolph.

So, how much do you know about shipping? Here, you’ll find a puzzle to solve every month. This month it is about an unusal merger in the shipping industry. The company was formed as a new joint venture in 2016, in between Nippon Yusen Kaisha (NYK), Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) and K Line. They started trading on April 1, 2018 and use an eye-catching color for their containers.

What is the name of the japanese joint venture?

a) JAX
b) J2C
c) ONE

Please send us your answers by email to [email protected] and enter to win the "seafarers" book from Patrick Ludolph. The closing date for entries is August 24, 2018. As always, you’ll find out the answer in the next issue.

Answer to the previous issue’s puzzle: - 20 degrees (Answer c).

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