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If you want to discover our future Network incl. Gemini Cape, please click the following option:  

After thorough consideration, Hapag-Lloyd and Maersk have jointly confirmed the expected network design for our Gemini Cooperation, which is set to launch on 1 February 2025. As the situation in the Red Sea remains highly dynamic, we plan to continue to sail around the Cape of Good Hope, as the safety and well-being of our seafarers, our vessels and the cargo of our customers are key. We will return to the Red Sea when it is safe to do so.

Caribbean Express Service (CES)

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  • Services & Trades
  • Caribbean Express Service (CES)

From/To: Antwerp, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Saint John, Norfolk, Kingston, Santa Marta, Puerto Limon, Caucedo

California Central America Express (CCE)

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  • Services & Trades
  • California Central America Express (CCE)

From/To: City name 1, City name 2

California Central America Express (CCE)

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  • Services & Trades
  • California Central America Express (CCE)

From/To: Mazatlan, Manzanillo, MX, Lzr. Cardenas, Puerto Quetzal, Acajulta, Corinto, Caldera, Los Angeles

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