
Virtual reality film: A behind-the-scenes look at the daily life of an apprentice

Julia, Larissa, Ilka, Matthias, Till, Joel, Pia and Vanessa: What do these eight people share in common? That’s right! They are “our actors” in the new virtual reality (VR) film about what it’s like to work as a shipping agent in the liner shipping industry.

They have all started the apprenticeship “Schifffahrtskaufmann/-frau” and some of them have now successfully completed their training at Hapag-Lloyd and have been hired as regular employees in departments such as Trade Management and Fleet Management. In the video, they are able to show what they have been able to learn during their training.

The virtual reality film is especially meant to help people in the process of choosing a career by giving them better insight into this challenging and multifaceted job. Of course, it can only give a brief impression – but that’s what it’s all about. Viewing the film with VR glasses provides the best spatial impression of our offices. You can do this using a tablet or smartphone, but make sure to use a browser that can also display the film in virtual reality mode.

In any case, shooting the film was really exciting for them. If you would like to receive more information than what is offered in the film on what it’s like to be a shipping agent, please feel free to contact our apprentices via WhatsApp or to get an impression of our training program via Instagram.