Organisation Name | Hapag-Lloyd AG |
Organisation Number | 005980 |
Trade Name | NEEA |
Tariff Number | NESE-001 |
Tariff Title | North Europe to Red Sea |
Tariff Type | Ocean & Surcharges |
Street | 200 Cantonment Road #08-03 South Point |
City | Singapore |
Postal Code | 089763 |
Person | |
Phone | +65 62 285-733 |
Fax | +65 62 232-182 |
Weight Ton Unit | kg - kilogram |
Volume Ton Unit | CBM - cubic meter |
Currency | USD (US-Dollar) |
Rate of Exchange Source |
Rule 025 of Global Hapag-Lloyd Tariff RURE-001 |
Origin Scope | Northern Europe |
Destination Scope | Sokhna (Egypt), Aqaba (Jordan), Port Sudan ( Sudan), Aden (Yemen), Hodeidah (Yemen), Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), Port of King Abdullah (Saudi Arabia) |