
Pertence a

Liner Services

Europe Australia Express (EAX) – Service Enhancements

In order to further improve the network of the Europe Australia Express (EAX) and to meet market requirements, following service enhancements have been launched.

During the northbound voyage we will add a call at Algeciras (Spain) in addition to today’s port rotation. The first EAX vessel calling Algeciras will be MV Jazan 7148 nb / DP Voyage 208218 (eta January 31, 2018).

Furthermore the port rotation at the North European Continent has been amended and effective MV Jazan 8006 sb/ DP Voyage 208183 (eta London Gateway February 5, 2018) the complete port rotation will be as follows:

London - Rotterdam - Hamburg - Le Havre - Fos Sur Mer - Genoa - Damietta - La Reunion - Fremantle - Melbourne - Sydney - Adelaide - Singapore - Chennai - Colombo - Cochin - Damietta - Piraeus - Malta - Algeciras - London

Pertence a

Liner Services