
Pertence a

Ports & Inland

United States of America and Canada – Trucking Challenges

Further to our CustomerInfo of December 5, 2017, our industry continues to experience severe truck shortages in certain locations for carrier haulage shipments in North America.

While Hapag-Lloyd is committed to maintain our role as a leading door-to-door ocean carrier, the current trucker industry-wide shortage is affecting our ability to do so.

Until the situation improves, Hapag-Lloyd will not assess the Change of Destination and/or Diversion fees when customers request in writing to make their own truck delivery arrangements by changing their carrier haulage shipment(s) to merchant haulage shipment(s).

However, import shipments that exceed their free time at ports or rail locations waiting on trucker availability will accrue storage for the account of the cargo that requires payment prior to release. In cases where pre-pulls to a trucker’s yard are agreed and can be arranged prior to or after the expiration of the free time, the pre-pull charge will also be for the account of the cargo.

There are certain corridors that are more severely affected with dwell times of seven days and beyond, while other corridors are less affected with dwell times ranging from two to seven days. Our organization is ready to assist you with further information and guidance to the very best of our knowledge.

Hapag-Lloyd appreciates your patience and understanding during these difficult times, which are unfortunately beyond our control. We will continue to closely monitor the situation and keep you informed.

Pertence a

Ports & Inland