
Pertence a

Liner Services

US Westcoast Australia - NZ Service ex PSW (WAS) - Vessel Delay

Further to our message of March 9, 2018 we would like to inform you that MV “ANL Barega” was delayed departing from Long Beach due to issues with HFO purifiers.

Delivery of spareparts for repair was delayed and now vessel is 6 days behind schedule.

In order to meet phase/out in Tauranga, NZ it has been decided to omit port of Melbourne, VIC and discharge all Australian import cargo in Sydney. All Melbourne Import cargo will be moved in a timely fashion as follows:

  • Seoul Trader V 103N ETD Sydney 4/12/18, ETA Melbourne 4/13/18

For export bookings from Melbourne following arrangement is planned:

  • K Phoenix V 8107 ETD Melbourne 4/5/18, ETA Sydney 4/8/18 , CUT-OFF in Melbourne 4/4/18 14:00hrs

Pertence a

Liner Services