
Pertence a

Liner Services

South America W.C. - North Europe Service (SWX) - M/V “GUAYAQUIL EXPRESS” - Voyage 8144N / 9101S

Please be informed that due to continued poor weather conditions and consequent port closure in Hamburg resulting in further delays, as well as an upcoming strike in French ports, the European coastal schedule of M/V “GUAYAQUIL EXPRESS” voyage 8144N / 9101S will be amended as follows:

  • Rotterdam: January 3, 2019 - Wednesday 17:00 hrs.
  • Hamburg: January 6, 2019 - Sunday 06:00 hrs.
  • London: January 11, 2019 - Friday 04:00 hrs.
  • Antwerp: Omit
  • Le Havre: Omit
  • Cartagena, CO: January 22, 2019 - Tuesday 08:00 hrs.

Import cargoes with destination Le Havre will be discharged at London Gateway Port, England and are due to arrive at final destination Le Havre by M/V “Al KKARJ” voyage 9002S of the ANS service on January 18, 2019.

Likewise the export cargoes ex Le Havre will have to be transferred to the next sailing, M/V “CMA CGM NIAGARA” voyage 9102S.

M/V “CMA CGM NIAGARA” voyage 8145N / 9102S is due to arrive at Le Havre on January 16, 2019.

We shall keep you duly informed on developments.

Pertence a

Liner Services