
Pertence a


Sweden - Document Closing

Since the implementation of the European 24 hour Rule we are obliged to provide complete documentation to all stakeholders, Customs and business partners. We depend on your timely shipping instructions in order to follow the security regulations and cannot guarantee shipment if your Shipping Instruction is submitted too late.

We still receive instructions after document closing time and therefore like to remind you about the importance of timely documentation.

Such documentation is only complete if it includes the MRN (Movement Reference Number).

As always, please send your complete Shipping Instructions to:

[email protected]

and ensure receipt at our office latest at time of document closing, as stipulated on your booking confirmation.

After doc. closing, we have a 24 hours timeframe to create a complete manifest and forward it to Customs and Feeder Operators.

Please be reminded that Draft corrections, B/L and Sea Waybill corrections requested after departure of the first vessel are subject to a manifest correction fee of SEK 1000,-

For further questions, please contact our Customer Service department.

Pertence a
