
Pertence a


e-Shipping Bill implementation in Chennai

To further promote ease of doing business with Hapag-Lloyd, our Chennai, India office has initiated an electronic filing of Shipping Bill (e-SB) through the Export General Manifest (EGM) module of the online portal ODeX.

This online service of requesting an EGM through the ODeX platform is free of charge and has several benefits for you:

  • Linkage with eForm13 and eVGM module for smoother workflow
  • ODeX provides the option of uploading the Shipping Bill EDI eliminating data entry errors.
  • Simplify GST refund procedure due to errorless EGM data.
  • Provides a single platform for attaching & storing documents such as Shipping Bill/EIR/Tally sheet or stuffing report.
  • Customers are no longer required to visit our surveyors (Master Marine) office to submit the hard copy of the Shipping Bill.

We request you to start using e-SB (EGM Module) facility through ODeX with immediate effect as submitting hard copies of the Shipping Bill will not be possible after July 1, 2019.

Our Customer Service desk will be available to assist you in case of queries and the ODeX team will be able to assist in registration and necessary training thereafter.

For new registration on the ODeX website and queries – Please call ODeX support at + 91 (22) 6115 1300 or send an email to [email protected] or visit - http://odex.co/

Trust this would help us to serve you better.

Pertence a
