
Pertence a

Liner Services

China Australia Taiwan Service (CAT) – Chinese New Year - Revised Blank Sailing

In view of weaker demand during the forthcoming Chinese New Year Holiday, we will be implementing the following blank sailing in our China Australia Taiwan Service (CAT):

MV “YM Enhancer” Voy.117S/N

- ETA Shekou, China on Feb. 06, 2020
- ETA Sydney, Australia on Feb. 20, 2020

To assist with your cargo planning, append below are the details of the sailings one week before and after the above mentioned blank sailing :

MV “Harrier Hunter” Voy.1910S/N

- ETA Shekou, China on Jan. 30, 2020
- ETA Sydney, Australia on Feb. 13, 2020


MV “YM Vancouver” Voy.130S/N

- ETA Shekou, China on Feb. 13, 2020
- ETA Sydney, Australia on Feb. 27, 2020

Pertence a

Liner Services