
Pertence a

Liner Services

China Australia Taiwan Service (CAT) – Vessel YM Eternity incident

The vessel operator (Yang Ming) informed us that the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) stopped and secured MV “YM Eternity” (voyage 084S/N) in Sydney over the weekend.

Yang Ming and its insurers are working closely with AMSA regarding this incident, to address all issues and ensure continuity of service as soon as possible.

We will provide you with updates on this incident, once we have all the necessary details at hand.

Booking acceptance on the CAT service is not affected and you can find the next available sailings for your cargo planning below:


  • ETA Shekou, China on Feb. 20, 2020
  • ETA Sydney, Australia on Mar. 05, 2020

MV “Harrier Hunter” Voyage 2001N

  • ETA Sydney, Australia on Feb. 17, 2020
  • ETA Shekou, China on Mar. 19, 2020

We regret the inconvenience that this incident may cause.

Pertence a

Liner Services