
Pertence a


Poland – New Contact addresses for Customer Service Booking

In order to provide you with a faster and better service, we would like to introduce a new structure for CSB Customer Service Bookings Department in Gdynia. As from February 3, 2020 CSB is working in two operational teams:

  • Team West responsible for North and South America:

    Katarzyna Ossowska
    Sylwia Glembin
    Dawid Piasecki
    Mateusz Siewierski 
  • Team East responsible for Asia, Middle East and the rest of the world:

    Małgorzata Słomska
    Małgorzata Kumińska
    Żaneta Patalas
    Tomasz Tudruj  

Along with the new structure for CSB, we also implemented group mail boxes for each team i.e. 

Team West    [email protected]
Team East    [email protected]  

You are kindly asked to send all new inquires accordingly to the respective group mailbox. Emails send to the group mail boxes will be constantly monitored, to ensure fast turnaround time. 

Please refrain from using personal mailboxes as this  will slow down the response of your inquiry. The personal mailboxes will be monitored less frequently and new inquires  received to the personal mailboxes will be manually forwarded to group mailboxes and handled in order of appearing in respective group mailbox.

Pertence a
