
Pertence a

Liner Services

AME1 Service – Mol Majesty – 952 W

We have been informed by ONE partner’s vessel Mol Majesty 952 W, that the reefer cargo discharge plan has already started. In order to deal with plugs availability in Ensenada port and allow a safe handling, the discharge operation is being handled in batches.

Our partner is now working on discharge operations and the updated schedule will be communicated in the following days.

Currently we do not have clearance for departure. As soon as we get authorization to sail, we will send a recovery plan for our schedule.
We regret any inconvenience caused by this incident and shall keep you duly informed on further developments.

Please note that this is a fluid situation and the above noted conditions are subject to change without notice. Hapag-Lloyd is monitoring and assessing the situation constantly and we will continue to use our best efforts to send updates as the situation evolves.

Pertence a

Liner Services