
Pertence a

Ports & Inland

Canada – Montreal – Industrial action – Status

Due to the continued Industrial action in the Port of Montreal, please see below an update of the ports and vessels.

Port of Montreal:
The Montreal Longshore Union (CUPE 375) and the Checkers Union (ILA) remain on an indefinite strike, and negotiations are ongoing. MGT and Termont Terminals will remain fully shut down during the strike.

Inland Rail Terminals:
CN Rail have seen an unprecedented surge in demand on their Halifax routes in direct response to the vessel diversions, and so congestion is building at inland ramps, resulting in longer wait times, and reduced reservation (RV) availability. Please note that RV’s are available outside of normal day-shifts and you are encouraged to use those RV times. To obtain an RV with CN, please log into the CN website at: https://ecprod.cn.ca/cis/#/auth

Vessel Status Summary:

As the situation develops it may prove necessary to divert other vessels. We appreciate your continued understanding during these exceptional times.

We will keep you informed about further developments.

Pertence a

Ports & Inland