
Pertence a

Liner Services

Atlantic Loop Service (AL2) - Void Sailing

Please be herewith informed, that due to the low demand caused by the COVID-19 situation and schedule recovery measures, it has been decided to finally blank following sailings:

AL2 Service:
Westbound Voyage Week 53
Hamburg Bay 008W / 008E

Le Havre ETS January 03, 2021
London ETS January 04, 2021
Rotterdam ETS January 06, 2021
Hamburg ETS January 08, 2021

Corresponding Eastbound Voyage:
New York ETS January 21, 2021

Please also check our alternative routings as follows:
to / from New York: ATA service
to / from Halifax: ATA service
to / from Houston: AL3 service

Pertence a

Liner Services