
Pertence a

Liner Services

Pacific South Loop 7 (PS7) - MV ONE APUS Voyage 006E - Update 3

As previously advised the MV ONE APUS Voyage 006E, serving in our Pacific South Loop 7 (PS7), has suffered collapsed containers while the vessel was enroute to her next port call, Long Beach.
Indications, from our partner ONE, are that the on deck impacted container bays remain unsafe for close-quarter inspection. However, it appears that the number of lost or damaged on deck units could be significant.

The ONE APUS is proceeding to Kobe, Japan with an estimated berthing date of December 8, 2020. Once safely berthed the process of righting unstable containers, assessing damages and determining the exact number of containers lost or damaged will begin.

The focus remains on getting the ship to a safe port as soon as possible to ensure the ongoing safety of the crew, the vessel and the cargo on board.
We will share further updates as information and details become available.
We regret the inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding in this regard. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact your sales account representative.
For the avoidance of doubt, this Customer Advisory has been provided without prejudice and for informational purposes only, non-conclusive and subject to change.

Pertence a

Liner Services