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General Rate Increase (GRI) - Canada and USA to Arabian Gulf, Red Sea and Indian Subcontinent

With effect from April 1, 2021, Hapag-Lloyd will increase rates for all Dry, Reefer, Non-operating reefer, Tank, Flat rack and Open top containers as follows:

Origin : USA & CANADA
Destination : Arabian Gulf, Red Sea & Indian Subcontinent

  • USD 100 per all 20' ctr types
  • USD 200 per all 40' ctr types

Arabian Gulf defined as: United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq,
Oman, Qatar, and the Saudi Arabia destinations of Dammam, Riyadh, and

Red Sea defined as: Jordan and the Saudi Arabia destinations of Jeddah

Indian Subcontinent defined as : India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and
Sri Lanka.

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