
Pertence a

Liner Services

South America - Asia / Loop 1 (AN1) - Improved Coverage

We are pleased to announce changes in our AN1 service in West Coast South America. Starting from March 2021, Hapag-Lloyd will be offering an improved coverage adding a fortnightly call in Puerto Angamos (CLPAG). Antofagasta (CLANF) will continue to be served on a weekly basis alternating AN1 with WS3-AN1 for export (via CLVAP) and with AN1-WS3 for import (via PECLL).

Supported by our strong local organization and our long-term experience, we are glad to offer this new rotation offering an additional coverage and connectivity; offering our customer support and alternatives to cover their needs.
The first vessel calling PAG is MOL Beacon 2105W , ETA PAG March 9th and continue as per below schedule
The Latin America rotation will be as follows:


Schedule with alternated call:

Pertence a

Liner Services