
Pertence a

Liner Services

Middle East, India, and Africa – Operational Updates for Week 39

Please find below the latest operational updates for the Middle East, India Subcontinent and Africa. You can also get an overview of more operational updates here.

Indian Ocean Service (IOS)

  • Vessel Prague Express voyage 1341W omit Nhava Sheva and Hazira, India, for schedule recovery measures. Nhava Sheva imports will discharge in Jebel Ali, UAE, while Hazira imports will discharge in Mundra, India for further connection to their final port of destination.
  • Vessel Tsingtao Express voyage 1342W will omit Karachi, Pakistan and Hazira, India for schedule recovery measures. Karachi and Hazira imports will discharge in Jebel Ali, UAE for further connection to their final port of destination.
  • There will be no sailing from Jebel Ali, UAE (westbound) in week 53, which was expected to arrive on December 26, 2021, and from Rotterdam, Netherlands (eastbound) in week 3, which was planned to arrive on January 23, 2022

Indamex 2 (IN2)

  • Vessel Argolikos 002E will call Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, before Port Qasim, Pakistan

Transpacific – India America Express (TPI / INDAMEX)

  • Vessel CMA CGM Butterfly voyage 1141W will omit Port Qasim, Pakistan. The vessel will call Mundra before Nhava Sheva, India. Port Qasim imports currently planned to discharge in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for further connection to their final destination

South Africa Express (SAF)

  • Vessel Anton Schulte voyage NZ133A will leave the SAF service in Coega (Southbound) expected to arrive on September 22, 2021. It will be replaced by vessel Conti Everest voyage NZ139B expected to arrive on September 24, 2021

Gulf - East Mediterranean Express (GEM)

  • Vessel Teno voyage 2140W will leave the GEM service in Piraeus, Greece and will be replaced by Frankfurt Express voyage 2140W. Both vessels are expected to arrive in Piraeus on November 4, 2021

West Africa Service (WAX)

  • Vessel Mirador Express voyage 2104S will join the WAX service in Belgium, Antwerp, expected to arrive on October 4, 2021. Due to this change, the following vessels will arrive in Belgium, Antwerp one week later than originally planned.
    • Vessel Irenes Remedy voyage 2141S is now expected to arrive on October 11, 2021
    • Vessel As Carelia voyage 2142S is now expected to arrive on October 18, 2021
    • Vessel Hammonia Baltica 2143S is now expected to arrive on October 25, 2021

Far East – Europe Loop 5 (FE5)

  • Vessel One Eagle voyage 021W will omit Colombo, Sri Lanka

Mediterranean West Africa Express (MWX)

  • Vessel CMA CGM Lapis voyage 0BBI9N1MA will make the following change in West Africa:
    • Rotation will change to Nigeria, Apapa – Tema, Ghana – Tincan, Nigeria
    • Exit the service in Tincan, Nigeria, expected to arrive on September 30, 2021

Kuwait Feeder (KWF)

  • Vessel Belgian Express will make the following schedule adjustments:
    • There will be no sailing from voyage 332W/E to 335W/E. Vessel is now planned to
      arrive in Jebel Ali, UAE on October 4, 2021 with voyage 336W/E
  • The arrival and departure windows of the service will also change from voyage 336/E as follows:
    • The Jebel Ali, UAE window will change from Saturday 23:00 hrs
      – Sunday 21:00 hrs to Monday 19:00 hrs – Tuesday 17:00 hrs.
    • The Shuwaikh, Kuwait window will change from Wednesday 08:00 hrs
      – Friday 08:00 hrs to Thursday 17:00 hrs – Saturday 17:00 hrs.

Pertence a

Liner Services