
Pertence a

Liner Services

Updates for our North Europe – Asia Trade

If you are shipping between North Europe and Asia on our Far East Loop 2 (FE2), Far East Loop (FE3), and Far East Loop (FE4) services, please note that we will extend the temporary changes and terminations for these services, further to those announced on August 27, 2021.

For your reference, the following overview of these three loops includes alternatives for your cargo planning. Please keep in mind that this product change remains in place for another period of eight consecutive sailing weeks, and we will continue to serve the respective ports on alternative loops, as highlighted below.

  • Far East Loop 2 (FE2) Hong Kong Eastbound omit
  • Far East Loop 3 (FE3) Jebel Ali Eastbound omit
  • Far East Loop 4 (FE4) Rotterdam Eastbound omit

FE2 Hong Kong Eastbound omission

Observations Service Week First Effective vessel / voyage Direction First loading port Estimated Time of Arrival
Omission FE2 45 Al Zubara / 016 E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 4, 2021
Alternative service FE3 45 HMM Raon / 002 E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 7, 2021

FE3 – Jebel Ali Eastbound omission:

Observations Service Week First Effective vessel / schedule voyage Direction First loading port ETA Date
Omission FE3 45 HMM Raon / 002E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 7, 2021
Alternative service IOS 45 Nagoya Express / 1243E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 4, 2021
Alternative service IO3 45 Lotus A /
Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 5, 2021

IOS = Indian Ocean Service
IO3 = Indian Ocean Service 3

Next FE4 voyage omitting Rotterdam:

Observations Service Week First Effective vessel / schedule voyage Direction First loading port ETA Date
Omission FE4 45 HMM Algeciras / 006 E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 13, 2021
Alternative service FE2 45 Al Zubara / 016 E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 7, 2021
Alternative service FE8 45 MAGLEBY MAERSK / 143 E Eastbound Rotterdam, NL November 11, 2021

FE8 = Far East Loop 8

If you would like to view our vessels’ schedule information, please visit our vessel tracker in our Online Business Suite. As an alternative, please contact our customer service team at your location who will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.

Pertence a

Liner Services