
Pertence a

Liner Services

Welcome on board our Cherry Express Service

The Cherry Season has officially arrived and we connect them from Chile to China on our Cherry Express.

We know that cherries are a sensitive and valuable commodity with a short season. They require a high level of expertise to transport and top quality equipment. Our Chile – Asia AN1 Cherry Express Service is designed for you: with a tailor-made express service, 24/7 support, and a modern reefer fleet, we make sure that your cherries arrive fresh at their destination.

What is new in the season? Our special focus on increasing the reach of your cherries with additional vessel calls. You have an added benefit of three cherry extra loaders completely designed to support your demand.

You can find out more about the services, schedules and details here.

We are looking forward to the 2021 Cherry Season with you.

Pertence a

Liner Services