
Pertence a

Liner Services

Shipping with our EC4 service? Here's an update for MV Madrid Bridge V. 016EW

If you're shipping with our East Coast Loop 4 Service (EC4), here's an update for MV Madrid Bridge V. 016EW. On January 7, 2022, she suffered a collapse of containers in the North Atlantic Ocean while she was headed towards her next port of call: New York, USA.

The immediate priority has been to ensure the safety of the crew, the cargo on board and the vessel. With this situation in mind, we expect additional delays on her schedule. Thinking about your cargo planning, please know that we will provide you with further schedule details once they are available.

We regret the inconveniences that this might cause you, and thank you for your understanding. Please know that if you should require additional information, our customer service team at your location will guide you based on your individual situation.

Pertence a

Liner Services