Operations Team, North America"Keeping our customers proactively informed helps them with their cargo planning and minimises uncertainty that could disrupt their supply chain. Our operational updates for North America are aimed at offering more transparency and improving the information flow for our customers to better manage and oversee the movement of their cargo."
Atlantic Services
Atlantic Loop 2 (AL2) service
Atlantic Loop 3 (AL3) service
Atlantic Loop 4 (AL4) service
Atlantic Loop 5 (AL5)
Atlantic Loop 6 (AL6)
Atlantic Loop 7 (AL7)
St Lawrence Container Service – Route 1 (AT1)
St Lawrence Container Service – Route 2 (AT2)
Mediterranean Canada Service (MCA)
Mediterranean Gulf Express (MGX)
Turkey East Coast Service (TNE)
Turkey East Coast Express Service (TEX)
Asia Services
East Coast Asia Loop 1 (EC1)
East Coast Loop 2 (EC2)
East Coast Asia Loop 5 (EC5)
East Coast Asia Loop 6 (EC6)
Pacific Coast Loop 1 (PN1)
Pacific Coast Loop 2 (PN2)
Pacific Coast Loop 3 (PN3)
Pacific Coast Loop 4 (PN4)
Pacific South Loop 3 (PS3)
Pacific South Loop 4 (PS4)
Pacific South Loop 6 (PS6)
Pacific South Loop 7 (PS7)
South Pacific Express (PSX)
India America Express (TPI / IMX)
Asia US East Coast Service Loop 7 (AA7)
LATAM Services
South America East Coast Service (SEC)
California Central America Express Service (CCE)
Caribbean Express Service (CES)
US Gulf East Coast South America Service (GS1)
Transpacific services
North America Westcoast - New Zealand/Australia (WSN)
Australia New Zealand via Panama (ANP)
Americas Service Northbound (USW)
United States
New York
You can find the most up-to-date information and port opening hours from the affected terminals by following the links: NYC Port Elizabeth l NYC Maher Terminal l NYC Port Liberty Bayonne l NYC Port Liberty New York
You can find the most up-to-date information and port opening hours from the affected terminals by following the links: ORF Port of Virginia - NIT/VIG
You can find the most up-to-date information and port opening hours from the affected terminals by following the links: CHS Wando Welch
You can find the most up-to-date information and port opening hours from the affected terminals by following the links: SAV Garden City Terminal
You can find the most up-to-date information and port opening hours from the affected terminals by following the links: HOU Bayport Container Terminal
Seattle - Tacoma
Los Angeles/Long Beach
You can find the most up-to-date information and port opening hours from the affected terminals by following the links: Los Angeles, CA: LAX Trapac l LAX Yusen Terminals l LAX APM l LAX West Basin Container Terminal and Long Beach, CA: LGB International Transportation Service l LGB Long Beach Container Terminal
Terminal Operations – Canada
Canadian West Coast ports - Both CPKC Rail and CN Rail have implemented tiered operating restrictions in response to severe winter weather across Canada. These measures include shorter trains and reduced speeds, which may lead to minor delays over the next seven days. Import dwell times and export connectivity could also be adversely affected.
Looking for dwell times in Canada? - Follow the link here.
GCT Delta Port
DPW Centerm
DPW Prince Rupert
DPW Saint John
Chassis Pools
All pools operating as normal except for:
Intermodal Operations
We can secure truck power within 1-3 days for majority locations which includes marine terminals, rail ramps and depots.
For updated information on ramps, please visit our Rail provider websites for service updates, embargo, and any restriction details.
Invoice payments and Original Bill of Lading remittances are to be redirected to the following address: Hapag-Lloyd (America) LLC - 3 Ravinia Drive, Suite 1600, Atlanta, GA 30346
Important Changes to EU Customs Advanced Filing
As you may have seen on our website, significant changes are coming to the EU Customs Advanced Filing. To assist with your cargo planning, here’s a quick reminder of the key updates: First update / Second update / Third update
For any questions, please visit our FAQ section on the website and click the tab titled USA.
Changes to Manifest Amendment Fee structure
Thanks to your feedback, we have reevaluated the parameters of our Manifest Amendment Fee structure to align with your needs and expectations. Therefore, from August 16, 2023, we have implemented the following structure:
Region North America Inlands
We are committed to providing you with the best inland transportation solutions, making sure your cargo is delivered safely, on-time, and cost effectively. With our comprehensive network and expertise in handling your cargo, you can trust us to manage all your transportation needs from port to door, ensuring peace of mind throughout the journey.
Stay connected with us for the latest updates. To learn more, click
For Carrier Haulage moves please submit the Delivery Order via our website here.
Lazaro Cardenas - Mexico's Pacific Gateway
Speed and reliability are paramount in today's market. Through our direct link, your cargo enjoys swift transportation to inland destinations, avoiding congested ports and rail hubs. Tailored to meet your cargo needs, our collaboration with Canadian Pacific Kansas Rail (CPKC) offers a direct and efficient solution.
Our upgraded service broadens your access options by providing a fixed intermodal on-dock rail route originating from Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico. With a dependable cross-border exchange in Laredo, Texas, and seamless northbound rail connections to the U.S. Gulf and Midwest rail ramps, we ensure your cargo reaches its destination reliably and on time.
To learn more, click here
Hapag-Lloyd's collaboration with NCB
We are excited to introduce our partnership with the National Cargo Bureau (NCB) to offer you remote hazardous container inspections in North America. This innovative solution allows for easy and free-of-charge inspection of your Hapag-Lloyd hazardous containers for compliance with regulations and standards, from the comfort of your own facility.
To learn more, click here
To request for an appointment, click here
Introducing SmartStacks - Hapag-Lloyd and IMC's dray-off solution in Savannah
Hapag-Lloyd North America in collaboration with IMC, introduces SmartStacks, a revolutionary data-based cargo handling system that streamlines the shipping process, increases container throughput, enhances cargo security, and optimizes space utilization.
On-dock service at Port Houston via Union Pacific
Discover seamless inland transportation with Hapag-Lloyd and Union Pacific! Trust us to deliver your cargo from port to door, ensuring peace of mind throughout the journey. Union Pacific's new on-dock service connects the Barbours Cut Container Terminal at Port Houston to key areas, including Denver, Salt Lake, Oakland, Los Angeles, and El Paso.
To learn more, click
Tank Container Charge Implementation by Georgia Port Authority at Savannah, GA
Starting October 1, 2023, the Georgia Port Authority (GPA) will be adding a new fee for tank containers at $125 per tank container. This applies to empty or full tank containers moving to/from Savannah, GA.
To learn more, click here
Here’s an update on rail routes for Hapag-Lloyd shipments
We would like to inform you about upcoming changes to the rail routes for Hapag-Lloyd shipments in the United States, which may impact your deliveries. Unfortunately, our partners at Norfolk Southern have decided to close certain options for rail routes, with these adjustments taking effect from February 19, 2024. Please be aware of the following changes:
Birmingham to/from Savannah & Charleston:
We have signed contracts with the CSX rail line, reopening the lane for Savannah to/from Birmingham. The CSX rail line extends to Bessemer, AL, which is just 20 minutes from Birmingham.
New Orleans to/from Savannah & Charleston:
Contracts with the CSX rail line have allowed us to reopen the lane for Savannah to/from New Orleans. Currently, there is no alternative for Charleston.
Greensboro to/from Norfolk:
Unfortunately, we do not have an alternative rail route for this option. We recommend Carrier Haulage as the alternative.
Louisville, Chicago, Cincinnati to/from Savannah & Charleston:
Shipments to these inland locations will now go through the port of Norfolk and New York. There are no alternative routes via Savannah or Charleston. Update - Please be informed that the route Louisville to/from Charleston is now available with rail provider CSX.
Memphis, Atlanta, to/from Jacksonville:
We do not have an alternative rail route for this option. Carrier Haulage is recommended as the alternative.
All the above rail routes are currently in effect, and we are not accepting new bookings until further notice. We understand the importance of a smooth and reliable transportation experience for your shipments. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause. Rest assured, we are fully committed to identifying suitable alternatives and will keep you informed of any further developments.
International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) Negotiations – The ILA and USMX have reached a tentative agreement on a new six-year ILA-USMX Master Contract, subject to ratification, thus averting any work stoppage on January 15, 2025. The two sides agreed to continue to operate under the current contract until the union can meet with its full Wage Scale Committee and schedule a ratification vote, and USMX members can ratify the terms of the final contract. As a result of this agreement, the previously announced WDS/WID charges are no longer in effect. Here is a link to the official press releases on the USMX website. Additional relevant information to support our customers can be accessed through our Live-Tracker. Please bookmark this page to stay up to date with the latest developments.
Latest versions (December 2024 - January 2025)
Previous versions (October 2024)
Updated on January 2, 2025
The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) are scheduled to resume negotiations for a new master contract on January 7, 2025. We remain hopeful that the negotiations will proceed as expected. However, if they do not progress as anticipated and a work stoppage occurs on or after January 15, 2025, U.S. East Coast and Gulf Port Terminals are likely to implement measures similar to those observed in October. These measures may include halting operations, suspending gate and rail services, and restricting the acceptance of empty returns at terminals and depots.
If closures arise, terminals and depots will not accept empty returns. We kindly ask you to hold your empties until ports reopen. As previously communicated, we strongly recommend moving containers off terminals prior to January 15, 2025, to avoid disruptions. Please also monitor terminal schedules through port websites for any updates on extended hours that may assist in container movement.
In the event of disruptions, we are fully committed to supporting you to ensure your supply chain remains as uninterrupted as possible. We will continue to keep you informed as the situation evolves.
Updated on December 26, 2024
Here’s a WDS WID Surcharge to the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Ports
To help manage the potential impact of ongoing challenges at U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports, we are introducing a Work Disruption Surcharge (WDS) and Work Interruption Destination Surcharge (WID), effective January 20, 2025, in the event of a strike. This surcharge covers additional costs from labor disruptions, strikes, slowdowns, unrest, congestion, and other unforeseen events that may delay operations and incur extra handling, storage, and feeder service costs.
We are committed to minimizing these impacts, and the surcharge will only be applied if disruptions occur and will be waived if no disruptions take place. It will not apply to containers already on the water or gated in before January 20, 2025, and will only affect cargo gated in on or after this date.
Please see CustomerNEWS posted on our website here for the details of the WDS/WID:
Updated on November 19, 2024
The ILA and USMX have been negotiating over contract terms, with a tentative wage agreement extending the Master Contract to January 15, 2025. However, in November 2024 negotiations broke off, raising the risk of industrial action if no resolution is reached by the deadline. While efforts continue, the risk of disruption is growing as the situation evolves.
To assist with your cargo planning, please bookmark this page to stay up to date with the latest developments which provides answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (pinned above), options for your import and export cargo, and details on how detention, demurrage, and storage charges (below) will be handled during this period.
Below is an overview of how import and export containers will be managed in the event of a strike:
For imports to a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge:
For container(s) on water destined for a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge (POD):
For container(s) not loaded at Origin on a mainline vessel destined for a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge (POD):
For exports from a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Loading:
For container(s) gated-in full for loading from a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Loading (POL):
For container(s) gated-out empty to be loaded from a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Loading (POL):
At Hapag-Lloyd, we’re committed to supporting you during these challenging times. Below is important information to keep in mind if there is an ILA industrial action, starting on or after January 15, 2025:
In the event of an industrial action, affected days will be classified as "shut out" for import and export D&D, meaning they will not be charged in D&D calculations. Additionally, any weekends between shut out days will also be considered non-chargeable
Import Demurrage & Storage:
Import Detention:
Export Demurrage & Storage:
Export Detention:
Updated on November 13, 2024 - Please check the latest updates on the negotiations posted on the USMX website.
Updated on November 1, 2024
The leadership of the ILA and the USMX announced on October 25, 2024, that they will resume Master Contract discussions in November 2024, to discuss all outstanding issues to reach a new agreement. Earlier this month, the two sides extended the Master Contract until January 15, 2025, and reached a tentative agreement on wages that is contingent on bargaining all open issues.The two sides will not discuss details of negotiations with the media prior to these meetings. All updates, when available will be posted on the USMX website.
Updated on October 8, 2024
Removal of disruption surcharges: We have expired the previously announced WDS/WID charges, which were initially intended to address potential strike-related costs in the event of extended disruption and significant congestion. Our priority is to restore normal operations and provide support as you navigate any challenges during this time.
Updated on October 4, 2024
We know that the current situation can be challenging, and we want to assure you that we are here to support you every step of the way. Here is what we can share:
Terminal reopening overview - Vessel schedules will be updated once ports confirm their revised operating plans. In light of the evolving situation, we recommend checking the latest updates and port operating hours directly with the affected terminals. For your convenience, a Terminal Reopening Overview is available here.
Updated on October 3, 2024
As of October 3, 2024, the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) have reached a tentative agreement, officially ending the strike that impacted U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports. Port workers are expected to resume operations on Friday, October 4, 2024.
Updated on October 1, 2024
Our latest CustomerNEWS on the ILA strike can be found here.
Updated on September 30, 2024
We are closely monitoring the strike situation and will continue to keep you informed as developments unfold.
Updated on September 26, 2024
In light of the evolving situation, we recommend checking the most up-to-date information and port operating hours directly through the impacted terminals via the links provided below:
Updated on September 25, 2024
Please see below vessel omissions in connection with the ILA/USMX situation.
Updated on September 25, 2024
Please see below important update from our partners CSX:
"CSX is closely monitoring developments concerning ILA contract negotiations that may result in service disruptions at East Coast ports beginning October 1. In anticipation of a strike, CSX is making every effort to accommodate as much freight as possible in a fluid situation. We will continue to monitor and communicate as the situation progresses and assist customers with recovery efforts once an agreement is made.
Please click here to review a spreadsheet of lane level detail showing the last day of in-gate at CSX-served terminals for international shipments destined to East Coast ports. This is latest plan based on guidance from East Coast ports to receive and depart traffic and is subject to change. Terminal reservations will be temporarily adjusted in accordance with outlined plan.
In addition to in-gate adjustments outlined in the spreadsheet, please be advised of additional actions being taken:
September 30 is the last day for import traffic to depart from ports destined to CSX terminals."
Updated on September 24, 2024
Here's a WID for imports from East Asia to the US East Coast and US Gulf Coast
A Work Interruption Destination surcharge (WID) is coming up. This local charge will apply for imports to the US Gulf and US East Coast from all ports in East Asia*, from October 19, 2024, and is valid until further notice.
The details for the WID are listed below:
*From East Asia: Japan, Republic of Korea, Taiwan (PRC), Hong Kong (PRC), China (PRC), Macau (PRC), Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and the Philippines
The Work Interruption Destination surcharge (WID) can be found here.
Updated on September 23, 2024
Please see below important update from our partners Norfolk Southern (NS):
"Norfolk Southern is closely monitoring reports of possible work stoppages at several East Coast ports beginning Tuesday, October 1. In preparation, we are proactively implementing measures to minimize potential operational impacts across our network, including at our Intermodal facilities.
The attached document, “Norfolk Southern Port Curtailment Schedule,” details the planned local ingate closures, which align with the anticipated work stoppage date.
We strongly recommend that customers refrain from shipping hazardous, high-value, and refrigerated international shipments via rail to avoid unexpected delays upon reaching the port destinations outlined in the attached port curtailment schedule. However, if such shipments arrive at ingates before the closures, we will make every effort to ensure their delivery ahead of the work stoppages."
For more information, please refer to the NS website.
Please see below important update from our partners CSX:
We are still waiting to hear back from the NY/NJ Ports on their official plan. Pending their response, our plan can change.
To reiterate, our main goal is to take traffic as long as possible but also be careful not to put reefer traffic at risk. Holding export units at origin starting 9/30, is to avoid having any freight sit outside of a terminal and subject the loaded freight to vandalism. Again, this is a fluid plan and can change at any moment as the situation continues to evolve at the ports."
Please see below important update from our partners CN:
"In preparation to the potential work stoppage, we will stop accepting export traffic for the following origins and destinations.
Toronto / CATOR
New York/New Jersey and Philadelphia Ports as of September 25, 2024
Montreal / CAMTR
New York/New Jersey and Philadelphia Ports as of September 24, 2024
Detroit / USDET
Chicago and Memphis / USCHI & USMEM
Updated on September 20, 2024
As the situation continues to unfold and our contingency plans are finalized, we are actively updating our online vessel schedules here. We encourage you to refer to this source regularly for the latest information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Updated on September 19, 2024
Export cargo planning for Reefers and DG cargo ahead of potential disruptions
Due to the situation at U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports, monitoring services at the terminals may be unavailable if a work stoppage occurs. To help you plan better, especially for sensitive shipments such as refrigerated and dangerous goods (DG) containers, we have prepared a rail ramp matrix here.
This matrix outlines the last day to deliver your cargo to each inland rail ramp for shipments departing from U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports, ensuring it is transferred to the port and loaded onto the scheduled vessel before October 1, 2024.
Please note, while we are taking early steps to secure your cargo ahead of potential disruptions, some ramps may have different final receiving dates. These precautions are in place to prevent sensitive cargo from being left unmonitored at port terminals in the event of a work stoppage.
Updated on September 18, 2024
Here's a WDS for imports to the U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports
A Work Disruption Surcharge (WDS) of $1,000 per TEU will take effect on October 18, 2024. This surcharge applies to all imports from ports in North Europe, the Mediterranean, Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Subcontinent, Oceania, and Latin America, destined for U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports. It will remain in place until further notice.
For more details, please visit our website here.
Updated on September 16, 2024
We are committed to supporting you through these challenging times. Below, you’ll find important information on Import/Export scenarios, as well as guidance on Detention, Demurrage, and Storage handling. Additionally, we’ve prepared a comprehensive FAQ to address the most common questions, available here.
Import and Export container scenarios:
For imports to a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge:
For container(s) on water destined for a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge (POD):
For container(s) not loaded at Origin on a mainline vessel destined for a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge (POD):
For container(s) that have already discharged at a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Discharge (POD), prior Industial Action:
For exports from a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Loading:
For container(s) gated-in full for loading from a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Loading (POL):
For container(s) gated-out empty to be loaded from a U.S. East Coast or Gulf Port of Loading (POL):
Demurrage, Detention and Storage handling:
In the event of an industrial action, affected days will be classified as "shut out" for import and export D&D, meaning they will not be charged in D&D calculations. Additionally, any weekends between shut out days will also be considered non-chargeable.
Import Demurrage & Storage:
Import Detention:
Export Demurrage & Storage:
Export Detention:
Updated on September 10, 2024
International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) - You may have seen the news on various sites about the ongoing labor negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), especially as the current contract is set to expire on September 30, 2024. These discussions are critical for the continued operations at U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports, with potential impacts on the supply chain if a resolution is not reached soon.
If a general work stoppage happens on the U.S. East Coast and Gulf ports, even a one-week shutdown could lead to a recovery period of 4-6 weeks. Delays and backlogs will likely worsen each day that the stoppage continues.
We are committed to keeping you informed with real-time updates as the situation develops. To assist with this, we are constantly updating the latest developments that are accessible by visiting our live tracker. Please bookmark this page to stay up to date with the latest developments.
We appreciate your understanding and value your continued trust and partnership. Should you have any concerns or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our teams at your location.