At this service we offer you the possibility to download your Sea Waybills. You can display your list of Sea Waybills by using various search criteria. At the result table, you can download the desired Sea Waybill as a PDF-file.

For an authorization for this service you can apply at the My account section. Before Hapag-Lloyd grants this authorization, you need to sign a contract containing the Terms and Conditions applicable for the online usage of electronic consignments.
Send the contract to your responsible Hapag-Lloyd office which you can find via our Office site.

In addition, depending on your authorizations you can get directly to following Online Business services:

If you do not have all authorizations for the services above you can request them via My Account. More information on how to request your authorizations you find within this user guide in the section My Account.

Screen area: Search criteria

Enter one or more search criteria to display your list of Sea Waybills. If you leave all search fields empty, you will get a complete list of your Sea Waybills.

Your Reference

You can search with your reference.

Container No.

Container number related to the Sea Waybill. Use the following format when entering this number: HLCU4086652 or HLCU  4086652 (with two blanks ). If the number is entered without prefix, ‘HLCU’ will automatically be added ahead.

Vessel Name

Name of the first vessel within the routing.

Sea Waybill No.

You can search with your Sea Waybill Number.

Voyage No.

Hapag-Lloyd schedule voyage number.

Booking No.

Hapag-Lloyd booking number.

Port of Loading

UN-LoCode (Location code) for the Port of Loading

Port of Discharge

UN-LoCode (Location code) for the Port of Discharge.

Sort by

You can impact the sortation of the list by selecting a Sort criteria. Possible values are: ‘Your Reference’, ‘Sea Waybill-number’, ‘Port of Loading’ and ‘Port of Discharge’.

Note: It is sufficient to enter just the first few digits or letters of any search criteria. For example, if "123" will be entered into the field "Your Reference", all SWBs with a Reference like "123", "1234", "1232" etc. will be shown. If you enter "US" into the field "Port of Loading" all SWBs, with cargo loaded at a US port, will be shown.

Screen area: List of Sea WayBills

Column: Ref. by

The party function of the booking the reference belongs to.

Column: SWB No.

Sea WayBill number

Column: Document type

Different values are possible here:

  • D: indicates Draft,
  • O: indicates Original and
  • C: indicates Copy.

Column: POL

Port of  Loading.

Column: POD

Port of Discharge.

Button: Download

By selecting a row you have the possiblility to download the Sea WayBill by using the respective button.

Button: Details

By selecting a row and using this button you can view the Sea WayBill details.

Button: Invoice

If you are a registered invoice download user you are able to get to the Invoice section by selecting the row of the respective Sea WayBill.