


Hong Kong – Revision of Local Surcharges

We would like to inform you that with effect from April 8, 2018 Hapag-Lloyd will implement and revise the following local surcharges for all exports and imports from / to Hong Kong as follows:

Charge Description   Charge Code Charge Amount Application

Bill of Lading Surrender fee

(Telex Release)

BSF HKD 550 Per bill
Cargo Hold before sailing charge ADO HKD 600 Per container
Change of Vessel Documentation fee MAF HKD 550 Per bill
Change of Vessel Lifting charge TMO HKD 600 Per container

Container Nomination fee

(including Food Quality Container)

ADO/FQS HKD 600 Per container
Documentation Amendment Fee MAF HKD 550 Per bill
Documentation Fee (ESI) MTD HKD 550 Per bill
Documentation Fee (Non-ESI) MTD/MSI HKD 850 Per bill
Documentation Fee (Import) DDF HKD 550 Per bill
Elsewhere Payment Fee (at Hong Kong) EPF HKD 550 Per bill
Extra Bill of Lading fee EBL HKD 550 Per bill
Invoice Amendment Fee - Export IAO HKD 550 Per invoice
Invoice Amendment Fee - Import IAD HKD 550 Per invoice
Late Pickup Fee of Original Bill of Lading PDF HKD 850 Per bill
License Administration Fee ADO HKD 550 Per retrospective license
Manifest Fee (Import) MFD HKD 550 Per bill
Re-Issuance Fee of B/L MTD

HKD 550 (ESI)        

HKD 850 (Non-ESI)

Per bill
Remote printing fee   RBL HKD 550 Per bill
Shipping Certification Fee CER HKD 550 Per extra copy
Shipping Instruction Amendment Fee MAF HKD 550 Per bill
Shipping Instruction Late Submission Fee LSI HKD 550 Per bill
Switch Bill Fee MAF HKD 850 Per bill

