

Ports & Inland

Canadian Pacific Rail Road – Labour Update

Further to our Customer Info of May 18, 2018, we would like to provide you with latest update as follows:

On May 26, 2018 the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference-Train & Engine (TCRC) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) issued a notice to Canadian Pacific Railway Limited advising of their respective plans to strike at 22.00 hrs Eastern Standard time on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.

As such, CP Rail has commenced and will continue to execute a safe and structured shutdown of its train operations in Canada. An embargo application for shipments routing to and from CP Canadian locations is now in place to be effective 00.01 hrs on Wednesday, May 30, 2018. This embargo applies to:

  • All shipments originating in Canada which are billed to any Canadian or US destinations
  • All shipments originating in the United States which are billed to any Canadian destinations
  • The embargo can be rescinded at any time

During the embargo which begins Wednesday May 30 at 00:01 hrs, intermodal terminal gates will remain open, in so far as practicable and so long as capacity permits, in order to reduce the impact of the work stoppage by CP’s unionized employees represented by the TCRC and IBEW.


Ports & Inland