


Oman – Update on Current Scenario

The situation in Oman remains the same as per the last update. Please note due to the restriction on movement imposed on the Wilayat of Mutrah, Hapag-Lloyd Agent office in Oman Mutrah and Delivery Order office in Jibroo will remain closed until further notice.

All our staff will be working from home until these restrictions are lifted and it is safe for us to resume normal Operations.

For delivery orders you can continue to send your documents on the following addresses:

Original Bills of Lading should be surrendered at Sohar Office as Muskat offices are closed until further notice. No changes in process and it is business as usual.

Counter timing 8:00 hrs – 14:00 hrs ( Sunday to Thursday)

Sohar office Address

Flat No. 304, 3rd Floor
Building adjacent to Al Maha Petrol Pump
(Above Omantel office), Falaj Al Qabail, Sohar
Contact No : +968 9910 7322 (Shaiju Marath Janu)

With regards to exports Bills of Lading and Container Seals, the same can be received from our Sohar office.

