


South Africa – Online Booking Amendment Process

We are pleased to inform you that making online booking amendments is possible at Hapag-Lloyd.com.
Effective immediately, you can submit online booking amendments either on Hapag-Lloyd.com or via INTTRA.

The following list are examples of booking amendments accepted prior to any containers gating-in at the place of receipt or port of load:

*Some booking amendments, such as those noted by *, are accepted and will take a little longer to process because of the need to withdraw the booking in order to make the necessary changes.
Withdrawing the booking from the intended vessel could result in a waiting queue to be re-confirmed on the same vessel and in some overbooked situations, may result in a different vessel being offered.

After vessel sailing, online booking amendments will not be accepted. If a Change of Destination is required after sailing, a COD (Change of Destination) request must be sent to us by email.

There are some booking changes however, that we must restrict and not allow due to their nature of changing the booking components that directly affect the applicable rating.
For the below changes to an existing booking, we will cancel same and a fresh booking will need to be created with the new information:

  • Marketing Routing Party (MR Code) or Quotation / Rate Agreement (RA) (as announced previously on August 26, 2020)
  • Commodity

We appreciate your understanding to this requirement.

Once you submit your amendment online, there is no need to follow up with us via email or phone call. We will process the amendment and once completed, you will automatically receive a revised booking confirmation with the noted changes highlighted in yellow. If we need any more details, we will reach out to you. If the Booking Amendment cannot be executed for any reason, the same will be informed to you via email.

How to place online Amendment:


  • Log into Hapag-Lloyd.com.
  • Under “My Shipments” or “List of Shipments” please choose the booking to be amended then click “Update Booking”.
  • Then click on “Edit Customs and Remarks” and type into the free text field your amendment instructions; for example, ‘Please roll to next vessel’ or ‘Add one more 20FT container’, etc.
  • Then click ‘Submit Booking”
  • There is no need to change any of the fields in the booking; the changes required must be only typed in the remarks section only.


  • Log into INTTRA
  • After Logging, please go to Booking Section and click My booking and type the booking number and find. Then please click on the selected booking
  • Please click amend
  • Please mention in "Comments and Notifications" column the details of Amendment required and click Next and then continue and Submit

