


Bookings from Finland – Temporary Booking Suspension – UPDATE

Despite the ongoing pandemic, global markets are recovering even faster than expected and we are currently experiencing a skyrocketing demand in container bookings. As much as we appreciate this positive development, it also means unforeseeable operational challenges for us: We are doing everything we can to process all booking requests. However, we still face an extremely tight equipment situation affecting all shipments from Finland. We expect the situation to remain extremely tight over the next weeks.

What does the current situation mean for your booking?

Our aim is to support all received bookings and to accept as many bookings as our capacity allows. It might come to booking rejections in individual cases that exceed our normal capacity. We do our utmost to avoid such cases and to serve all our customers in the best way possible.

For Finland no new bookings will be handled. You are welcome to send us your requests for bookings again as of 8 February 2021. If you have an urgent booking for Special Equipment or Dangerous Goods please contact your sales representative, who will evaluate if the booking can be placed.
We regret these unusual circumstances and thank you in advance for your patience and understanding! We will keep you informed on further developments in due course.

