


India – Mundra Export Full Container Gate-In Process

We have noticed recently a surge in demand with an increase in ‘no shows’, which is resulting in early gate closures. We understand that this causes a lot of challenges and would like to help in improving the situation.

Accordingly, effective Monday February 8 2021, we will be accepting cargo at all times within the cut-off for the next 2 months. In cases where we have to close the gates for a specific vessel, we will still allow for gate in within the standard cut off on the next sailing with storage on our expense.

If a customer is still not able to gate in the container within the standard cutoff times, this will be considered as ‘No-show’ and BCF charge will be applied. Any shipment which is not load ready due to SI not received, customer clearance pending, split shipment, containers not gated-in, in spite of receipt of form 6 etc., will be considered as “No Show” and BCF charges will be applied accordingly and bookings will be automatically rolled to the next available voyage (subject to availability of space).

We hope that the above procedure establishes a fair treatment where we jointly do our part to reduce ‘no shows’, which is critical to improve the service levels.

Process of Requesting Form 6:

  • In case of not being able to gate-in within the standard cut off, you can request Form 6 for the respective vessel through ODeX for Mundra.
  • The same will be approved and uploaded directly by Hapag, if proper documents and entries are in place i.e. Customers will be allowed to gate-in the containers, within gate-cut off and storage if any, will be absorbed by Hapag-Lloyd.
  • This is not a guarantee to load on the intended ship, but ONLY to gate in. The boxes may still be planned on the next available vessel. For ‘Shipping Guarantee’, please use this product available at the time of booking.
  • The customer / CHA are not required to get their bookings amended for the next vessel in case of gate closure for that particular vessel, except for handing over the Original Shipping Bills post gating in.
  • Form 6 can only be requested through ODeX. ODeX is a standalone software and does not require any integration with the Hapag-Lloyd system.
  • ODeX will make the process of requesting Form 6 simple for all CHA’s and Freight Forwarders, and the same can be requested/received directly at your offices.
  • Once details are uploaded on the Odex system from your end, we shall approve the form in ODeX, customers can then take a print of the eForm at their end and approach the gate.
  • Post gating in of containers, the Original Shipping Bill needs to be handed over to our port office within the standard cut-offs for the container to be loaded on board.

Details on How To Apply In ODeX:

To start using the eForm facility, just follow the bellow listed steps:
1. Log on to www.odex.co and register yourself at the earliest.
2. The ODeX team shall provide you Login ID and Password.

For any queries on Form 6, you may contact the ODeX team on 022-6604 2500 or write
[email protected]. Customers (CHA’s) can select Shipping Line as Hapag-Lloyd and request for intended vessel calling at Mundra by entering all details and attaching required documents as mentioned below. (Please note the sole responsibility of entering correct details remains with the customers or the CHA.)

1) For Factory Stuffing = Central Excise endorsed invoice, Checklist & Booking Copy

2) For Dock Stuffing = Customs endorsed CLP & Booking Copy

3) Additional Documents for Haz Containers = Haz declaration and Haz Survey report required

We look forward to your support and cooperation in this matter so that we may better serve your needs and ensure full compliance. If you have any questions on this new process, please feel free to get in touch with your local Customer Service agent.

Please note that OOG, hazardous and refrigerated units will be excluded from the above process.

