

Liner Services

Shipping from Australia? Here’s an update on our export invoicing process

If you are shipping from Australia, please note that we have updated our export invoicing process. This includes the correct and timely preparation of invoices to give you enough time to make the payment before the Invoice’s Due date.

In case of an invoice dispute, please send us an email at [email protected] within 7 working days of invoice date. You will be assigned a CASE NUMBER that should be used as reference for any discussions related to that dispute. The dispute resolution takes approximately 7 working days from receipt of the details below. Please note the following mandatory details for logging a dispute:

  1. Shipment number
  2. Bill of Lading number
  3. Invoice Number
  4. Charge details & Amount
  5. Reason for dispute

Note: Any invoice dispute received after 7 working days of Invoice date will be rejected.

Invoices must be settled in the invoicing currency in full. Invoices are defaulted in AUD currency. AUD and USD separate invoicing can be set up upon request and agreement on the T&C of 1) long term arrangement, and 2) All intermediary bank fees for USD payments are to be borne by the sender.

For accurate invoicing, please review the guidelines below:

Export shipments from Australia

  • To book cargo only when you have valid confirmed rates. Our rates are also available 24/7 via Quick Quotes here
  • To find out Rate of Exchange for your Shipment please visit here
  • Our local charges are updated on our website for your reference here
  • Please refrain from using INCO terms instead of payment terms (prepaid/collect) in your shipping instructions
  • To add specific information regarding payment terms in your shipping instructions' remarks field, please stipulate precisely if the charges should be prepaid or collect. This information will help us ensure correct invoicing.

If payment terms are not stated in the shipping instructions, please note that the following will be applied:

  • For Freight Prepaid:

All charges are PREPAID excluding Terminal Handling Destination and Destination land Freight related charges.

Origin Land Freight
Terminal Handling origin
Sea Freight

Terminal Handling Destination
Destination Land freight

  • For Freight Collect:

All charges are COLLECT excluding Origin Land Freight and Terminal Handling Origin related charges.

Origin Land Freight
Terminal Handling origin

Sea Freight
Terminal Handling Destination
Destination Land freight

We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you should require additional information our customer service team at your location will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation.


Liner Services