

Liner Services

Shipping on our South East India – Europe Express (IEX) service? There are schedule updates coming up

We have a few schedule updates for our South East India – Europe Express (IEX) service linking North Europe and the Mediterranean with Bangladesh, South and East India, and Sri Lanka. These updates will happen between the months of October and December, 2021 and are split between the westbound (WB) and eastbound (EB) directions.

On the westbound direction, the scheduled departure from Visakhapatnam, India on November 5, 2021 will not be taking place. As an alternative, we will be operating an extra loader from this port with expected departure on November 5, 2021. For your reference, you will find below the vessel deployment for this service.

Vessel Name WB Voyage EB Voyage Visakhapatnam (INVTZ) Departure WB Rotterdam (NLRTM) Departure EB
XIN TIANJIN 070W 070E October 29, 2021 November 27, 2021
VOID SAILING     November 05, 2021 December 04, 2021
EMDEN (HL standalone extra loader) 2139W - November 05, 2021 December 04, 2021
X-PRESS ANNAPURNA 2140W 2149E November12, 2021 December 11, 2021
BUXCOAST 203W 203E November 19, 2021 December 18, 2021
AL MANAMAH 2142W 2151E November 26, 2021 December 25, 2021
AMOLIANI 2143W 2152E December 03, 2021 Januar 01, 2021
MOL GUARDIAN 2144W 2201E December 10, 2021 Januar 08, 2021
YM FOUNTAIN 158W 2202E December 17, 2021 Januar 15, 2021

On the east bound direction, the scheduled departure from Rotterdam, Netherlands on December 4, 2021 will not be taking place. Thinking about your cargo planning, we have included two alternatives below:

Service Name and code  Vessel Name  Vessel Voyage  Estimated time of arrival  Estimated time of departure
South East India – Europe Express (IEX)ser XIN Tianjin 0703E November 27, 2021  November 28, 2021 
South East India – Europe Express (IEX)ser X-press Annanpurna  2149E  December 11, 2021  December 12, 2021 

If you require more information related to the above changes, please visit the Online Business Suite in the Hapag-Lloyd website. As an alternative, please contact our customer service team at your location who will be glad to guide you based on your individual situation. 


Liner Services