

Liner Services

Here's an update on the Rhine River low water surcharge

The low water levels at the Rhine River are affecting barge transports due to the draft restrictions. Therefore, a low water pass-through surcharge will be in place for import and export cargo, valid from October 2023.

  • 2023 low water surcharge <81cm
    Kaub levels
Kaub levels (all Terminals south of Koblenz) 20' Container 40' Container
80 - 71 cm 215 275
70 - 61 cm 300 375
60 - 51 cm 415 550
50 - 41 cm 635 825

This surcharge is subject to the water levels that can be monitored on the ELWIS website. If you should require additional information, please contact our teams at your location, who will guide you based on your individual situation.


Liner Services