


Shipping from Türkiye? A BCF is coming up

If you're shipping from Türkiye, here's an update on our local charges. The Booking Cancellation Fee (BCF) will change from September 1, 2024 for all trades and will be valid until further notice.

The details for this surcharge update are listed below:

  • BCF USD 100 per container for all container types, except reefer equipment.
    • Applicable to all online bookings cancelled 5 days before the vessel's Estimated Time of Departure (ETD) as stated in the final booking confirmation.
    • Applicable to all reduced container quantity performed 5 days before the vessel's ETD stated in the final booking confirmation
    • Applicable, at any time, in case the cargo is rolled for the second time. Please keep in mind that the first rolling is not charged.

If you require more information related to Ocean Tariff rates, please visit the tariff section of our website. As an alternative, please contact our teams at your preferred location who will guide you based on your individual situation.

