If you want to discover our future Network incl. Gemini Cape, please click the following option:
After thorough consideration, Hapag-Lloyd and Maersk have jointly confirmed the expected network design for our Gemini Cooperation, which is set to launch on 1 February 2025. As the situation in the Red Sea remains highly dynamic, we plan to continue to sail around the Cape of Good Hope, as the safety and well-being of our seafarers, our vessels and the cargo of our customers are key. We will return to the Red Sea when it is safe to do so.
From/To Antwerp London Hamburg Rotterdam Antwerp Arrival day TUE WED FRI MON TUE Saint John 30 31 34 36 37 Norfolk 27 28 30 33 34 ...
From/to City name 1 City name 2 Arrival day City name A - From/to City name 1 City name 2 Arrival day City name A
From/To 马萨特兰 墨西哥曼塞尼略 库特扎尔港 阿卡胡特拉 科林托港 卡尔德拉港 Arrival Day 周六 周二 周六 周日 周二 周四 洛杉矶 3 6 10 11 13 15 马萨特兰 - 2 6 7 9 11 墨西哥曼塞尼略 - - 2 3 5 ...