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India - Import of Shipper Owned Containers (SOC)

We would like to inform you of a change to our handling of the import of Shipper Owned Containers into India.

Shipper Owned Containers, SOC, imported into India must be manifested on a Consignee’s Customs Bond.

The consignee is responsible to file their manifest directly with customs as a “self-filer” and the responsibility for re-export of such units within the stipulated period lies with the consignee and their nominated agent.
Prior to loading, the shipper should confirm with their importer of their availability of a Customs Bond as no SOC containers will be manifested or bonded by Hapag-Lloyd.

Furthermore, consignee and import agent in India are to settle all terminal costs directly with the terminal operators in India.
If the consignee fails to produce their bond before the manifesting deadline, the affected containers will be Retained on Board (FROB) and returned back to the port of loading.

All costs for the return shipment will be for the account of the shipper and shall be set to the collecting office of the port of loading.

All charges, inclusive of destination charges should be strictly on a freight prepaid basis, no collect charges, and only Seaway Bills are to be issued.

Thank you for your attention and your support with this change. If you have any questions, please reach out to your local customer service or sales team.

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