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Liner Services

Documentation guidance in connection with the General Average declared for NYK Delphinus 0086W/E

With reference to the news published on May 28, 2021 about the fire on board vessel NYK Delphinus 0086W/E in the AL5 Service (AL5), please note that a General Average has now been formally declared. For this reason, the appointed adjusters have issued the list of documents that must be provided by all cargo receivers to release their cargo.

The appointed adjusters, Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd on behalf of the shipowners, will be guiding you through the process, and will be compiling the documentation for all cargo and containers on board. Please find below the information on the necessary documents to be submitted to Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd irrespective of the port of discharge, status, or condition of the goods.

If the cargo is insured by a company with a Standard & Poor’s rating of B+ or another agency equivalent, please take note of the required documents:

  • Average Bond: to be completed, signed, dated, and stamped with the company stamp by the receivers/owners of the cargo. Please find and download the document here.
  • General Average Guarantee: to be passed to the cargo insurers for their completion. Please note that this document should be signed, dated, and include the company stamp. Please find and download the document here.
  • Copies of the relevant Bill(s) of Lading. Please include front and back of the bill of lading.
  • Copies of commercial and freight invoices to establish the value of the cargo.
  • Complete contact details of the cargo insurers to allow Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd. to coordinate with them directly, which is the usual procedure in cases of General Average.

If the cargo is not insured or the insurance company does not meet the rating requirement described above:

  • Average Bond: to be completed, signed, dated, and stamped with the company stamp by the receivers/owners of the cargo. Please find the document link here.
  • Cash Security: to be lodged for either 12.5% of Cargo & Freight value for cargo delivered at Oakland, CA or 15% of Cargo & Freight value for cargo delivered at other ports of destination with Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd. The remittance details will be provided following direct communication with Blue Seas Adjusters. Kindly note that the provision of the General Average security is a necessary requirement to ensure the cargo’s release at destination.
  • Copies of the relevant Bill(s) of Lading. Please include front and back of the bill of lading.
  • Copies of commercial and freight invoices to establish the value of the cargo.

In both instances, the above-mentioned documents should be scanned and sent to Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd. for Shipowners’ approval. Kindly reference the Bill(s) of Lading and container numbers in all correspondence with Blue Seas Adjusters.

For ease of reference, please find below the contact details for Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd.

Email: [email protected]

Unit 1 Orangery Studios
21 Orangery Lane
Tel: 00 44 20 7481 3335
Fax: 00 44 20 7691 7433

Kindly note that the vessel remains berthed at Oakland, CA with her cargo and containers on board. If you should have any questions concerning the above, please contact Blue Seas Adjusters Ltd who will be guiding you depending on your situation. Kindly expect a response within 24 hours.

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