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Shipping within Africa? Get ready for our new WA1 service and a revamped WAX service

Here's an exciting update for your cargo planning. From May 2023, you'll be able to factor in stronger schedule reliability and an extended port coverage within your markets in West Africa. Our brand-new West Africa Service 1 (WA1) will establish Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia as new markets for Hapag-Lloyd with third party agencies in the three countries.

Our new fortnightly West Africa Service 1 (WA1) will cover the following ports in Africa:

  • Tanger Med, Morocco -> Nouakchott, Mauritania -> Freetown, Sierra Leone -> Conakry, Guinea -> Monrovia, Liberia -> Tanger Med, Morocco
West Africa 1 (WA1) service

The WA1 service will be taking the Nouakchott call from our Dakar Express (DEX) Service to continue covering this port. The DEX will be discontinued at the end of April.

For your reference, MV Okee Cuno V. 2320S is estimated to arrive at Tanger Med, Morocco on May 15, 2023, as the first vessel sailing in the WA1 service.

To complement your West Africa cargo planning, starting in May 2023, our West Africa Express (WAX) Service will have an improved rotation. Considering the DEX service's discontinuation, the Dakar call will be included in the WAX service rotation on a weekly frequency. In addition, this rotation is expected to provide you with additional transshipment options at Tanger Med to connect with your cargo on a regular basis with our global network.

The WAX service’s new rotation will cover the following ports:

  • Tanger Med, Morocco -> Dakar, Senegal -> Tema, Ghana -> Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire -> Tanger Med, Morocco
West Africa Express (WAX) service

For your reference, MV Dachan Bay Express V. 2318S will be the first vessel sailing in this new rotation for the WAX service, with an estimated arrival at Tanger Med on May 7, 2023.

To assist your cargo planning, you can use our vessel tracker to view our vessels' latest Estimated Times of Arrival and Departure. If you should require additional information, please contact our customer service team at your location, who will guide you based on your individual situation.

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