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North China – Upper Yangtze River Maintenance of Three Gorges Dam Lock System

We would like to inform you of the intended maintenance schedule for the Three Gorges Dam Lock System as issued by the Chinese Ministry of Transport.

The timelines for the maintenance works are as follows:

  • Three Gorges South Line Ship Lock
    The overhaul time of the Three Gorges Ship Lock in 2018 shall begin from 8:00am on February 19, 2018 and will last for 33 days.

  • Gezhou Dam No. 1 Ship Lock
    The overhaul time of the Gezhou Dam No. 1 Lock in 2018 shall begin from 8:00am on February 26, 2018 and will last for 20 days.

Please note that the approximate average waiting time to pass through the Dam was 15 days during the ‘Three Gorges’ North Ship lock maintenance in 2017, which impacted the transit time to upper Yangtze River areas.

Therefore, this maintenance will impact cargoes that are transshipped via Shanghai.

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Ports & Inland